Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The Decline of the Establishment GOP
He broke out his white board in order to erase the minds of the people. What he did instead was verify his own decline in value in any political environment. He tried to ensure the America voter that you are mindless and need to listen to him. What he said did not sway the people but caused the people to rise up again and say, “we decide for ourselves!” Karl Rove, get off the track or get run over, cause the Cain Train aint stopping!
Let’s look back in time. It was 2007-2008 and some people in the Republican Party were causing the boat to shake a bit by voting for a candidate they were not suppose to. His name was Mike Huckabee. As the uproar started, career GOP operatives gathered to push their establishment candidate forward in order to reign in the voice of the people. John McCain was the ordained candidate and the people would have to live with that.
Following the money trail, I found Mr. Rove was in the establishment movement. He gave a considerable donation to Senator John McCain and was also said to be a consultant for the candidate. This was a formula for failure. The combination of an establishment candidate with the backing of the GOP establishment is what got President Obama elected.
Karl Rove bares responsibility for the crisis America faces today and he’s trying nothing more than to sell us the same formula for failure this go around. As he goes to bat for his establishment candidate in Mitt Romney, he holds nothing back to discredit not only Mr. Herman Cain, but the very people who are thinking for themselves who choose Mr. Cain as their candidate. He thinks the American people are not smart because they are choosing Cain over Romney. He is doing nothing but campaigning for Romney with a bigger stage and no one to call him on it! Hey Fox News, where’s your fair and balanced?
A few days later he’s at it again. Not attacking Cain, but campaigning for the candidate he’s trying to shove down our throats. He’s blinded to the fact that the people don’t want another establishment candidate. We want a Herman Cain! No more people who put a fast spin on the way they are going to keep things the same, but instead a real person who is going to bring a bold change to Washington DC. So Mr. Rove, please let us think for ourselves and stop trying to shove your Romney down our throats!
Mr. Rove, it is people like you that have awakened a sleeping giant in the citizens of the United States of America. It is these citizens who have the right to stand up when its government has oppressed them and turn the fate of this nation to become, as Ronald Reagan said, a shining city on a hill. As the Declaration of Independence states, people have the right, ‘to throw off such government, and to provide NEW GUARDS for their future security’. And Mr. Rove, it is people like you who are the accomplices of a government which has formed, ‘a long train of abuses’! You have helped create the problem and it’s the right of the people to fix it.
The people of America have awoken to such abuses to their rights that they took the time to become informed. The people who they found that did the most damage were the politicians the people entrusted. Then the people saw a group of political pundits who would year after year try and sell us the same politicians in a different skin. The people of America are sick of this ride and we are stepping off this Rhino merry-go-round and onto the Cain Train to the White House. So Mr. Rove and all your coconspirators, get off the track!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The Right to Life
by Laurie “Blondie” Pruser-Stockman

The Declaration of Independence specifically states that the inalienable rights of anyone are the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; the Constitution of the United States of America does not but it should, in my opinion.

It is argued that there is a protection in the Constitution that protects a person's life, and there is. It is the 5th amendment "No person shall....Be deprived of Life, Liberty or property, without due process of the law..." So is the problem here defining a person, not life?

We need a constitutional amendment (yes, I know that would be time consuming but it would be appropriate) that clearly states that the Right to LIFE is a right to everyone regardless of age, physical, mental or developmental state, until that person does something that requires that the law removes that right from them. It might be more prudent to actually define when a person becomes a person but there in lies the argument.

Let's address this question first: What if anything should force anyone to relinquish their right to LIFE? When they take another's LIFE? When they take their Liberty and/or affect their means of obtaining Happiness?

I did a bit of investigating to find out what laws address this issue.


It seems that the aggravated rape of a child is a resounding variable in several states including TEXAS, South Carolina as well as the US Military.


Here a repeating theme is when a murder is committed and the murder is especially heinous, atrocious cruel or depraved *or involved torture

But what are the FEDERAL LAWS that say that you relinquish your right to LIFE?


The Federal Government views your right to life to be effected in a broader sense. Murder while smuggling of “aliens”, drive-by shootings in drug related crimes, espionage, transportation of explosives or the destruction of government property or foreign and interstate commerce, murder of a judge or cop, or first degree murder.

What is first degree murder? In most states, it is defined as a killing that was premeditated (planned). . And of course treason and murder that is the result of terrorism.

So now, I present to you this to deliberate: When does the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness end?

Herman Cain has said. . "You can pursue happiness as long as you do not infringe upon someone else’s liberty. You can have liberty as long as you do not infringe upon someone else’s life." * 2004 and various times since.

The words in our Declaration of Independence say "Pursuit of Happiness". . . not the Right to be Happy. But Liberty needs no definition nor does LIFE.

If you are not alive you have no right to Liberty or Right to Pursue (obtain, search out, work to gain) Happiness. And if you are not alive you are no longer a person who can have their rights taken from them.

This brings us to the much discussed question, “When does life begin?”.

I do not understand the confusion and why this is consistently being argued as I have known since my very first lesson in a biology class that scientist maintain that living things have five (5) basic characteristics.

1. Living things are highly organized.
2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy
3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment
4. All living things have an ability to reproduce
5. All living things have the ability to adapt.

The unborn child has all of these abilities and characteristics. So is a baby in the womb of its mother a life/person or not?

1. It is a very highly organized being from conception on.
2. It has the ability to acquire the necessary components to grow.
3. The baby certainly responds to its environment within the womb. It moves when stimulated. It even attempts to make more room for itself by pushing, turning and stretching within the safety of its mother’s body which was designed for the very purpose of providing it a secure environment in which to live.
4. It has the ability to reproduce; it reproduces through mitosis to become a fully functioning human and a female baby is born with all the ova that she will ever have in her lifetime.
5.It has the ability to adapt; It begins life in a sac of amniotic fluid within its mother’s womb and upon birth it begins to adapt to life outside of the womb.

I believe that the unborn child has met the 5 basic criteria for being classified as Living and therefore since its DNA is shared with a human woman and man who both created that life, whether intentionally or unintentionally; it is a human or person. So that person must not be denied its Right to LIFE.

I do not see any incidence where an unborn baby could be found guilty of any crime which legitimizes a reason to have its Right to Life ended. . . not one.

Herman Cain has stated that he is “100% pro-life, period”. “Life begins at conception.”

But how will he govern as President of the United States of America? Mr. Cain realizes the limitations placed upon the executive branch and the President in particular, by the Constitution of the United States of America. He has stated that as President, he has no authority to order a person not to seek an abortion. He is correct. There is no such provision in our Constitution. He has chosen to live within the fundamental laws which give our government its powers as 3 independent branches instead of grandstanding ad making promises outside of those laws and the scope of the power of the Executive branch of our Federal government.

So as President, what would President Cain do? He will appoint judges who understand the original intent of the Constitution. “…Judges who are committed to the rule of law know that the Constitution contains no right to take the life of unborn children.” Mr. Cain goes on to state that he will oppose any abortion funding; he will veto legislation that funds Planned Parenthood and he will do everything possible “consistent with his constitutional role as President” to advance the culture of life. *Letter dated October 21, 2011 to supporters.

Again, I feel that a Constitutional amendment to specifically state that the unborn child has the inalienable Right to Life is necessary. That law would follow the original intent of our founding fathers. The unborn child’s Right to Life is simply an Inalienable (Incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred) Right.

I believe that Herman Cain is pro-life and will, with the powers granted him through the Constitution of the United States of America, truly promote the rights of innocent babies to Life so that they can have Liberty and Pursue Happiness.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Static Argument Against a Dynamic Solution

A Static Argument Against a Dynamic Solution
 Just Doesn't Stand Up
by J C Anger

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"We Are America"

We Are America

By J.C. Anger

“We hold the truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.,,, That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it” ~ Declaration of Independence

The Prince and the Pundits ~ Oh and The People

The Prince and The Pundits

Oh and The People

by J C Anger

Caring to Engage~Meeting Herman Cain

Caring to Engage
Meeting Herman Cain

By J C Anger

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Antidote to Hopelessness and Despair

The Antidote to Hopelessness and Despair

What do Margaret Thatcher, Herman Cain, and the movie, The Book of Eli, have in common?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

S-I-N Tactics

S-I-N Tactics

A User’s Guide for Getting Through the Smoke and Mirrors of Campaign Politics

by J C Anger

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

The 9-9-9 Solution

The 9-9-9 Solution

By Renata Anger (Age 10)

Today in America we are facing an economic crisis.  With a national debt of fourteen and a half trillion dollars, we need a problem solver and that problem solver is Herman Cain!  Herman Cain’s solution for the economic crisis is the 9-9-9 plan.  The 9-9-9 plan replaces the current tax system with a nine percent business flat tax, a nine percent individual flat tax and a nine percent national sales tax on new goods.  A money expert says that the 9-9-9 plan would get rid of the national debt in only nine years.  If Herman Cain becomes President, there will no longer be a crisis in America!

Obamacare – Playing with Their Lives

Obamacare – Playing with Their Lives

By J C Anger

Resorting to the Non-issues

Resorting to the Non-issues

by J C Anger

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

From Liberals: "Obama Critics: If You're White, You're a Racist, If You're Black, You're an Uncle Tom/Sellout"

From Liberals: "Obama Critics: If You're White, You're a Racist, If You're Black, You're an Uncle Tom/Sellout"

by Talitha McEachin

Trying to Ignore the Stupid

Trying to Ignore the Stupid

By J C Anger

It’s truly not hard to tell when someone is truly afraid.  There is often those who try to look somewhere else, often a lash out and name called or even a demonization of whatever is frightening this person or group of people.  Thus is the place in time which we find ourselves in. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Heart, Brain and Cain Solution to Immigration Problems.

Heart, Brain and Cain Solution to Immigration Problems.

By~Laurie Pruser-Stockman

How can you separate the illegal immigration problem from the economic, unemployment or national security issues?  If you can, I’m missing something. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Requirements For The Next President Of The United States Of America~2012

My Requirements For The Next President Of The United States Of America~2012

By~Laurie Pruser-Stockman

I was recently asked who or what was I looking for in a Presidential candidate.  I didn't have to think long before I came up with a pretty decent list of requirements.  “Anyone but Obama” did not make the list.  While this list is not a finite list, I believe that it accurately represents the CORE of my requirements.  

How did we end up with the Federal Reserve and why? And what do we do about it now?

How did we end up with the Federal Reserve and why? And what do we do about it now?

Cain and Obama: How Their Fathers’ Dreams Affect America

Cain and Obama: How Their Fathers’ Dreams Affect America

Friday, September 23, 2011

Post Debate Observations: Fox News/Google GOP Debate 22 September 2011

Post Debate Observations: Fox News/Google GOP Debate 22 September 2011 

by J C Anger

OK, since I watched the entire debate last night, I wanted to put my spin on what I saw.  So instead of just grading the candidates like I normally do, I went and printed off the transcript and graded each opportunity the candidates had and graded those.  I then took the average for each candidate to give them a grade point average for last night’s debate. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The State of Political Insanity

The State of Political Insanity

By J C Anger

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" 
~ Albert Einstein~ 

When Einstein made that quote he didn’t realize how accurately he would be defining the state of America’s obsession with political insanity. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Herman Cain: For Such A Time As This

Herman Cain: For Such A Time As This

 By Rosalinda Kilmer, Sioux Falls, SD

”For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
Esther 4:14, English Standard Version Bible

In the famous biblical recounting of a beautiful heroine, a woman named Esther becomes the new queen and wife of King Xerxes, who ruled over a large and powerful empire.  Through the deceptive tactics of a trusted official, Haman, the King is persuaded to kill all the Jews for posing a danger to his kingdom.  The King thus approves the annihilation of the Jewish people, without knowing that his own beloved new wife, Queen Esther, is also a Jew.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Poll Places Herman Near the Top

Your Weekly Cain Connection: 9/18/2011

Poll Places Herman Near the Top 

In the latest Zogby Poll, Herman captured 12 percent of the vote and placed third behind only Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.  When

Looking for fellow Cainiacs Bloggers

Cainiacs 2012

Here at Cainiacs 2012, we are always on the lookout for additional high quality content. We know very well the amount of time it takes to write a well researched and news-worthy article. Most people do

Cain: "It's Still Class Warfare."


Cain: "It's Still Class Warfare."


For Immediate Release:
Monday, September 19, 2011

For More Information:
Ellen Carmichael, (678) 601-2772

(Stockbridge, GA)- Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain responded to President Obama's jobs speech today, saying:
Today, the Obama Administration's assault on the private sector continued. In yet another speech, he called for America's job creators to shoulder an even heavier burden than they must already. President Obama promised that his efforts were not "class warfare,"

It is time to redefine the two-man race!


It is time to redefine the two-man race!



This week's Gallup Positive Intensity Ratings once again put Herman Cain near the top!  This is definitely a sign that Herman's supporters are very enthusiastic about his candidacy and his platform, and we are excited that you are part of the team.  We cannot do it without you!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday 9/18/2011

Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday 9/18/2011

with Chris Wallace

Herman Cain discusses his 999 plan

Phase 1 - Immediate Boost

• As I have outlined, the following represent the minimum for feeding the economic engine and are the “low hanging fruit” offering the most “bang for the buck”
• Reduce individual and business income taxes to a maximum 25%
• Eliminate taxes on repatriated foreign profits and capital gains
• The capital gains tax is a wall separating those with ideas from those with money
• Why would we want to wall off those with ideas? That’s where we get business formation, job creation and innovation.
• When companies sell products overseas they face double taxation when those profits are brought home (repatriation) to invest in America and pay its workers
• Companies don’t ship jobs overseas, Liberals ship capital overseas and the jobs merely follow.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Worth of an Endorsement?

The Worth of an Endorsement?

By J C Anger

Today I contemplated something that has become a badge of honor among candidates running for elected positions.  That badge of honor is an endorsement. 

But then the question came, “What are these endorsements truly worth if they come from the same type of people who have created the problems?” 

Are Politicians to blame or is the Public?

Are Politicians to blame or is the Public?

I feel that the public doesn't have even a basic understanding of how government works, The President ( who ever it is )  is basically the lipstick on the pig. The REAL pig is Congress and the Senate. That one branch of government has created the current environment we live in. After decades of the public continuing to send the same people back - election after election. Meanwhile presidents have come and gone while the same people sit in Congress and the Senate.

Still think Herman Cain is irrelevant?



Still think Herman Cain is irrelevant? 


By - Richard P. Bulow (Rick Bulow)

There are many who consider Herman Cain as an also-ran and irrelevant for being in single digits in some of the national polls and not have enough name recognition. However, that is far from the truth, as we see in the  

Herman Cain Receives Major endorsement

Col. Michael Steele has endorsed Herman Cain, not because of his education and business success, but because he trusts him. Col. Steele pointed out that Cain accurately answered the foreign policy critics in the debates by indicating he would consult the military experts.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Are we better off with Hope and Change?

Are we better off with Hope and Change?  

by J. C. Anger

I’ll let you make the determination after reading these statistics.  They are available on-line for the public to see.   Thanks to The People History for their research.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why Do Ordinary Citizens Endorse Herman Cain?

Why Do Ordinary Citizens Endorse Herman Cain?

Karl supports Herman Cain because...

Fix the Immigration Problems- As I live in Arizona, this is a huge issue for me. Unleashing Economic Growth- Taxes on Business is suffocating growth and killing jobs. Release our Domestic Energy Resources- This is just common sense, why depend on others when we can use our own resources and in turn create jobs. Repeal & Replace Health Care "Deform"- Government has never running anything with success and our founding fathers would be saddened by this obamanation. Redo Financial Regulatory "Deform"- Regulations and Unions have killed growth of industry and self-efficiency. Unbundle Education- As a parent of 4 kids the Public schools are a wasteful-useless institution. My kids learn more from me than they do in school. Again, Unions destroyed a great concept due to greed and power. Put "United" Back in USA- I am sick and tired of the race card being thrown around as a weapon to gain control and power. Give 'Em Cain!

Strengthen Our National Security

Strengthen Our National Security

The primary duty of the President of the United States is to protect our people. In fact, it is the principal duty of a limited federal government. They must ensure that our military and all of our security agencies are strong and capable.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~The Case For~ ~Why Herman Cain Can Win~

 ~The Case For~

~Why Herman Cain Can Win~


Herman Cain is a proven Leader with 40 years of real business experience.

Herman Cain Biography  

Is $5 Worth Restoring America

Five Dollar Fridays From Mr. Cain ~

"Sadly, the fact that zero jobs were created last month is only fitting for this administration, which is led by a President with zero leadership, zero plans, zero results and zero understanding of basic economics. And the American people are worse off because of it." It's time for a Proven Problem Solver. Please donate at least $5 dollars today on our first Five Dollar Friday for Herman Cain.

Thank you.

Them's that goin' - Get on!

Are you a 1 in 100? Join me today in supporting a Real Leader with Real Solutions.

Herman Cain Vs. Barack Hussein

Forget President Obama’s 40 percent (and still falling) approval rating. That just means that less than 45 percent of those surveyed have no clue about the direction of the country. Or, those same people support the president’s weakening of America. And please spare me the worn-out excuses that it was Bush’s fault, or things are bad because it was worse than he thought.

Repeal & Replace Health Care “Deform”

President Obama and the liberals in Congress have dismantled the free market health care system and replaced it with health care “deform.” They have passed measures that compromise the sacred patient-doctor relationship, eliminate patient choice, stick ta bureaucrat in the examining room, ration care and do nothing to limit frivolous lawsuits that drive up the cost of health care. In all these provisions, they made health care more expensive and less accessible for American families they claim to protect.

Release our Domestic Energy Resource

America is a land blessed with abundant natural resources and the capability of the people to obtain them. From the oil-rich states of Louisiana and Alaska to the mighty dams along rivers across the states, the options for many forms of energy are real and plentiful. Still, liberals continue to perpetuate the misunderstanding that the high energy consumption of a thriving nation and conservation of our precious planet are at odds with one another.

Herman Cain - The FairTax & The 9-9-9 Plan

To educate the public about the best economic plan out there!

Vision for Economic Growth

• The natural state of our economy is prosperity. Freedom ensures that.
• We must get the government off our backs, out of our pockets and out of our way in order to return to prosperity
• Policy uncertainty is killing the economy

Fix the Immigration Problems

Fix the Immigration Problems

America is an exceptional nation. We are also a prosperous nation because of our liberties and our free market system. That’s why people from all over the world want to come to America to create better lives for themselves and their families, because we are truly the land of opportunity.