Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Cain Train Builds Steam

The Cain Train Builds Steam

Herman Cain leads Mitt Romney by 10 points in Iowa Caucus poll

Republican caucus attendees (37 percent) said they would choose Cain, while just over a quarter (27 percent) said they would choose Romney.

Cain tops field again in Nevada GOP straw poll

Cain wins 31 percent of the vote and Mr. Romney pulled in nearly 29 percent of the vote

Cain wins big in South Carolina tea party straw poll

Cain captured an eye-popping 55% of the vote. His closest challenger, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, picked up 14.5%. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann garnered 8% to come in third.

Cain Way Ahead of GOP Field

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds Herman Cain leading the Republican presidential field with 33%, followed by Mitt Romney at 18%, Rick Perry at 10%, Newt Gingrich at 9%, Ron Paul at 7%, Jon Huntsman at 4% and Michele Bachmann at 3%. 

From the PPP~ 10/12/11

Cain leads nationally

"Yesterday PPP released numbers showing Herman Cain leading Mitt Romney 30-22 in Iowa and our monthly look at the national picture finds the exact same numbers.  Cain is up 30-22 on Romney with Newt Gingrich sneaking past Rick Perry for 3rd place at 15% to Perry's 14% with Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul tied for 5th at 5%, Jon Huntsman 7th at 2%, Rick Santorum 8th at 1%, and Gary Johnson 9th with less than 1%.
Strong Tea Party support has Cain in the driver's seat nationally, just as he has been on our last four individual state polls.  With non-Tea Party Republicans Romney actually leads Cain 29-27.  But with the Tea Party crowd Cain is getting 39% with Gingrich at 16%, Perry at 14%, and Romney in 4th place at 13%.  Romney doesn't need to win the Tea Partiers to be the Republican nominee.  But he does need to finish better than 4th with them."

NBC/WSJ poll: Cain now leads GOP pack

Cain’s numbers are sky-high among Republican primary voters. Fifty-two percent view him favorably, versus just 6 percent who see him unfavorably. Among Tea Party supporters, his favorable/unfavorable score is 69 percent to 5 percent. And among Republicans who identify themselves as “very conservative,” it’s 72 percent to 2 percent.

In follow-up interviews with respondents supporting Cain, they argue that he’s not a politician, and that he seems real. “He has common-sense answers and is in touch with the heartbeat of America,” said one respondent, a 46-year-old male from Florida.

“Cain gives direct answers. He is succinct. He isn’t a politician,” answered another who’s a 56-year-old male from Washington

From CBS NEWS 10/411

The Republican Nomination Race: Romney, Cain Move to the Top 
September 28-October 2, 2011 
• Mitt Romney and Herman Cain are now the leading preferences of Republican primary 
voters nationwide, followed by Rick Perry.  But this is still a very fluid race; threequarters say they could still change their minds. 
• Tea Party backers have shifted this race: they’ve now thrown more support behind 
Herman Cain, pushing him up into a first-place tie, and away from former frontrunner 
Rick Perry.  

From IBOPE Zogby Poll

Sept 26
Sept 12
Aug 29
July 25
July 11
June 30
June 21
Herman Cain
Rick Perry
Mitt Romney

Straw Poll Finishes the MSM Ignores

Herman Cain

2/26 Phoenix Tea Party Patriots
  •  1st Place: 22%

3/20 Conservative Principles Conference
  •  1st Place: 33%
5/5 Washington State GOP Straw Poll
  •  1st Place: 15%
5/7 Wisconsin
  •  1st Place: 26%
7/3 Cobb County GA
  •  1st Place: 43%
7/8 Conservative Leadership Conference
  •  1st Place: 24%
7/29 Smart Girl Politics Summit poll
  •  2nd Place: 29% (Bachmann won)
7/30 Western Conservative Summit
  •  1st Place: 48%
8/5 Ames Ranch (Oregon)
  •  1st Place: 55%
Last week's GA GOP Straw Poll
  •  1st Place: 26%

9/3 Florida "Conservative Roar" Straw Poll
  •  1st Place: 46%

9/24 Florida Presidential 5 Straw Poll 
  •  1st Place: 37.18

10/1 Tecaon Straw poll
  •  1st Cain 77.5%

10/2 National Federation of Republican Women 

  •  1st Herman Cain – 48.9%

10/2 Dekalb County GOP Presidential Straw Poll.

  •  1st Cain 209 Votes
  •  2nd Perry 29
  •  3rd Romney 25

10/8 Republican Midwest Leadership Conference 10/8

  •  1st Herman Cain 52.6%
  •  2nd Michelle Bachmann  12.2%

Gallop Polls

Herman Cain Stands alone in the field with his "positive intensity scoring"

Drudge report

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